Ethanol (aka Alcohol)
I deleted one of my blog entries , called “Stupid and Typical”, and I owe an apology to all the people who left me comments on that blog. I hated that entry alot. It sounded like I was begging for attention … not that I never beg for attention; but naming a few authors and directors is really not my style; I’m more of an … whatever… let me tell you why and how I wrote that blog.
That night I came home from a party, and my friend Ethanol kept following me home. I had to invite her in. She wouldn’t go away. We went to my room and she saw a bunch of undone work on my desk. I ignored her and started playing with my Nintendo DS Lite when she grabbed the DS and said “very nice, you’ve conquered 7 Mario Bros. worlds in a matter of 2 days, but hasn’t finished your last book after 3 months”. So she jumped behind the computer and started writing the “Stupid and Typical” blog.
I wake up in the morning and find her gone. Her bed is empty. I look at the crumbled sheets. She’s left behind her bag full of headache and thirst. I yell “YOU SEXY BITCH! HOW MANY TIME SHOULD I PROMISE MYSELF NOT THE BE LURED BY YOU?”. It’s too late though.
I take shower, make coffee, sit at my desk, when I remember that I wrote something in my blog the night before. I can smell trouble. I turn on the computer. I’m so scared of reading my entry that I hide the blog window behind the news window and tell myself “people died in a car bomb last night; who cares about your blab in a blog”. It doesn’t help, since dying in blasts -thanks to our wonderful world- is not news anymore. So I read my blog -“bitch, bitch, bitch”- and I just hated it. I’d already got in a lot of trouble for an entry written by her; this one had to be deleted.
Moral of the story? Not only don’t drink and drive, but also don’t drink and blog - or if you’re like me don’t drink at all!
Anonymous, at 7:55 AM
you will find more charactes in your mind then .
One was her
but about the others??
Anonymous, at 8:10 AM
I was fortunate enough to read it, and I loved that shit.
Anonymous, at 1:21 AM
that’s what I called writing
I didn’t get to read that particular entry and now, I so want to read it!
But in general, your bitchy friend, alcohol, doesn’t force anybody to do anything they don’t want to do. She just shuts down that part of the brain that prevents them from doing what they’re really dying for. So if some people are rude and aggressive or talkative or extremely honest and kind or quiet, that what they really are behind their social masks!
I’ve never seen people more genuine, more unpretentious and more themselves than when they are completely drunk.
So that’s why I drink to your bitchy friend! Salut!
Mehrad, at 1:11 PM
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