Happy Birthday Shili
I met a guy a week ago and I’ve been hanging out with him for the past few days. His plain characteristic and his honesty made me sad and happy at the same time.
He made me sad because he made me realize how much I miss hanging out with my old friends. I miss my girlfriends who don’t smoke; who dress nice and go to cafés, who I laughed with from the bottom of my heart, who don’t talk about Godard and Cage, who don’t curse and swear, who still remember what respect means, and who -still- have curfew (!).
On the other hand he made me happy. He made me realize that there are still honest guys out there who don’t hide the fact that they have a girlfriend when she’s away. Who don’t take advantage of their girlfriend being away. Who don’t smoke and drink. Who treat girls the way they’d like to be treated. Trust me, these traits have become very rare in guys, but there still exist men who possess these characteristics. (lucky girlfriend).
You don't want to delete this one?! can I leave a comment?! :)
Mehrad, at 8:30 PM
you see lots of these nice people everyday, you just don't know them
Anonymous, at 5:28 AM
The truth is the reason why such guys are rare is partly because girls who really appreciate these traits have become rare too.
Anonymous, at 11:51 AM
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Takinson, at 12:44 PM
We don't care about these stupid comments. We love you, we love the way you're thinking, we love what you're writing, we love how you see stuff. please keep on drinkin' n' smokin' baby, you have made an incredible picture of yourself in our minds. We love you.
Anonymous, at 11:27 PM
I misunderstood this sentence:
"he made me realize how much I miss hanging out with my old friends."
I read it as:
"he made me realize how much I miss, hanging out with my old friends."
And I consider myself a very old friend so it seemed kind of unjust to me. My bad.
Takinson, at 9:01 PM
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